mated server for predicting...
      ...functional consequences of amino acid MUTations in protEins




Stability Changes (ΔΔG)

Stability Changes (ΔΔGH2O)

Stability Changes (ΔTm)

Activity Changes

Disease Potential of Human nsSNPs

Structural Bioinformatics at
George Mason University

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Disease Potential of Human nsSNPs Documentation


Disease Potential of Human nsSNPs is an automated server for predicting whether a human non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (nsSNP) in a coding region, causing a single amino acid replacement in the corresponding protein structure, has an association with disease or is simply neutral. The approach is based upon the intuitive notion that the effects of nsSNPs, either benign or leading to aberrant protein function and disease, correlate well with relative structural changes from wild-type. A dataset of 1790 single amino acid substitutions, each corresponding to either a neutral (nt) or a disease-associated (da) nsSNP, was used for model training and validation. The variants map to positions within 243 tessellatable, single chain, wild-type protein structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). In particular, the dataset consists of 458 ntSNPs mapping to 184 structures and 1332 daSNPs mapping to 102 structures. Our server consists of a supervised classification model based on implementation of the Random Forest (RF) algorithm. In addition to these nsSNPs with known functional effects, we also collected 357 unclassified (unSNPs) human nsSNPs mapping to 44 tessellatable, single chain, wild-type protein structures, and we classified each of them (as either nt or da) based on predictions obtained from our RF model (see Results section below).

The set of human nsSNPs described above were selected from among a significantly larger collection of human single amino acid variants appearing in the Swiss-Prot database (release 51.3, 12-Dec-2006), whose accession files contained PDB cross-references to x-ray crystallographic protein structures. Furthermore, we only considered a variant if it occurred at a Swiss-Prot sequence position mapping to a position within a tessellatable, single chain in at least one of the PDB cross-reference structure files, and the position undergoing mutation was also required to have at least six tessellation-based nearest neighbors. The resulting dataset of selected nsSNPs provides Swiss-Prot and PDB identification information for each variant, as well as the class (da, nt, un).

Lastly, a server prediction about a human nsSNP can only be performed if the variant represents a single amino acid substitution at a position within a tessellatable, single chain of a solved protein structure with a coordinate file available in the PDB, and the position to be mutated must have at least six tessellation-based nearest neighbors. Specifically, Delaunay tessellation of the structure can be performed if the PDB file contains consecutive primary sequence numbering in the ATOM lines (i.e., no gaps in the structure) starting with a non-negative integer, the alpha-carbon atomic coordinates are available for all the constituent amino acids, and no alternative conformations exist for the alpha-carbon atoms. In addition to X-ray structures, NMR structure files are potentially tessellatable if they consist of a single minimized average structure as opposed to multiple models.


Among the numerous factors influencing model performance are the dataset size and composition utilized for training, the type of attributes (i.e., predictors) used as components for the feature vectors characterizing the variants in the dataset, and the machine learning algorithm chosen for model building. AUTO-MUTE utilizes attributes that include EC score at the mutated position (mutant protein residual score), ordered EC scores of the six nearest neighbors to the mutated position, native and replacement amino acid identities at the mutated position, ordered amino acid identities at the six nearest neighbors, and ordered differences between the primary sequence positions of the nearest neighbors and the mutated residue (see AUTO-MUTE home page for details).

the following Delaunay tessellation-derived attributes were utilized as feature vector components for each variant: mean volume and tetrahedrality of the simplices in which the mutated position serves as a vertex, location (surface, undersurface, or buried) of the mutated position, number of edge contacts that the mutated position has with surface positions, and secondary structure (helix, strand, coil, or turn) of the mutated position (see AUTO-MUTE home page for details). The dataset of feature vector components for each of the selected nsSNPs provides the raw data used for training the RF model and predicting the unSNPs, and the PDB accession code, chain, and variant PDB position number are also provided only as a means to identify each mutant.

Required Inputs and Server Outputs

A valid PDB accession code and a specific chain (use @ if null) is required for the structure of the human protein containing a single residue substitution whose functional impact (
neutral or disease-associated) is to be predicted. The variant under consideration must be supplied in the form (native residue)(position number from PDB file ATOM lines)(replacement residue), for example I53T.

In addition to reproducing the inputs, the output data includes the prediction (neutral or disease-associated) along with a confidence measure, mean volume and tetrahedrality for the mutated position, location and number of edge contacts that the mutated position has with surface positions, and secondary structure of the mutated position.


We utilize both 20-fold and leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation (CV) procedures on the dataset of 1790 neutral and disease-associated nsSNPs,
and we apply a random split of the dataset (66% for RF model training, 34% for testing). Performance is evaluated by calculating the following values, where TP (TN) = total number of correctly predicted “disease-associated” (“neutral”) mutants, and FN (FP) = total number of respectively misclassified mutants. The overall accuracy, while not ideal in the case of  significant class skew, is defined as
Q = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN).

Hence, the following measures are also calculated due to their robustness with respect to unequal class distributions: balanced error rate is defined as
BER = 0.5 × [FN / (FN + TP) + FP / (FP + TN)],

Matthew’s correlation coefficient is given by

MCC = (TP × TN – FP × FN) / [(TP + FN)(TP + FP)(TN + FN)(TN + FP)]1/2,

and AUC refers to area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, a plot of true positive rate (i.e., TP / (TP + FN), or sensitivity) versus false positive rate (i.e., FP / (FP + TN), or 1 – specificity) for the disease-associated class (defined analogously for the neutral class).

Testing Method
20-fold CV*
0.76 ± 0.01
0.30 ± 0.01 0.38 ± 0.01 0.79 ± 0.004
66% / 34% random split*
0.73 ± 0.02 0.32 ± 0.03 0.34 ± 0.04 0.77 ± 0.02
*average over ten independent iterations

By using the best 20-fold CV iteration above, as well as performing a 10-fold CV procedure, we compare our results with those of other methods as summarized below. Keep in mind that an absolutely direct comparison is not possible here because of differences in algorithms (e.g., RF versus SVM), training datasets (ours requires variant positions within tessellatable structure cross-references and is significantly smaller than those used by the other methods), and feature vector components (our attributes are novel tessellation-based values that are distinct from those used by the other methods). Given these considerations, the performance results below suggest that the signals embedded in our feature vectors are either as informative, or significantly more so, for accurate class discrimination.

Auto-Mute (RF, 20-fold CV, 1790 nsSNPs)
Capriotti et al. (2006) (SVM sequence, 20-fold CV, over 21,000 nsSNPs)
Capriotti et al. (2006) (SVM hybrid, 20-fold CV, over 21,000 nsSNPs)

Auto-Mute (RF, 400 trees, 10-fold CV, 1790 nsSNPs)
Bao and Cui (2005) (RF, 1000 trees, 10-fold CV, 4013 nsSNPs)
~ 0.75
Bao and Cui (2005) (SVM, 10-fold CV, 4013 nsSNPs)
~ 0.73

The trained Auto-Mute RF model was subsequently used for generating unSNP class predictions (either nt or da) for each of the 357 unclassified variants obtained from Swiss-Prot.

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