1. When performing gene set analysis it is critical to use the same annotation as was used in pre-processing steps. Read the paper behind the Bottomly data set on the ReCount database: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=21455293
Using the paper and the function: supportedGenomes() in the goseq package can you figure out which of the Mouse genome builds they aligned the reads to.

UCSC mm9

2. Load the Bottomly data with the following code and perform a differential expression analysis using limma with only the strain variable as an outcome. How many genes are differentially expressed at the 5% FDR level using Benjamini-Hochberg correction? What is the gene identifier of the first gene differentially expressed at this level (just in order, not the smallest FDR) ? (hint: the featureNames function may be useful)
con =url("http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/recount/ExpressionSets/bottomly_eset.RData")
bot = bottomly.eset
fdata_bot = featureData(bot)
edata = exprs(bot)
fdata_bot = fdata_bot[rowMeans(edata) > 5]
edata = edata[rowMeans(edata) > 5, ]
edata = log2(edata+1)
# perform a differential expression analysis using limma
mod = model.matrix(~ pdata_bot$strain)
fit_limma = lmFit(edata, mod)
ebayes_limma = eBayes(fit_limma)
limma_pvals = topTable(ebayes_limma,number=dim(edata)[1], adjust.method ="BH", p.value=0.05, sort.by='none')

# first DE gene
##                        logFC  AveExpr         t      P.Value   adj.P.Val
## ENSMUSG00000000402 -1.222062 4.292471 -4.509076 5.312399e-05 0.004394846
##                           B
## ENSMUSG00000000402 1.583059
# number of genes are differentially expressed at the 5% FPR level 
## [1] 223   6
3. Use the nullp and goseq functions in the goseq package to perform a gene ontology analysis. What is the top category that comes up as over represented? (hint: you will need to use the genome information on the genome from question 1 and the differential expression analysis from question 2.

# limma fit with p-value less than 0.05
limma_table = topTable(ebayes_limma,number=dim(edata)[1], adjust.method ="BH", sort.by='none')
genes = as.integer(limma_table$adj.P.Val < 0.05)
names(genes) = rownames(edata)
not_na = !is.na(genes)
genes = genes[not_na]

# use nullp and goseq to perform a gene ontology analysis
pwf = nullp(genes, "mm9", "ensGene")

GO.wall = goseq(pwf, "mm9", "ensGene")
GO.top10 = GO.wall[1:10,1]

# top category
## [1] "GO:0004888"
4. Look up the GO category that was the top category from the previous question. What is the name of the category?
## [1] "transmembrane signaling receptor activity"
5. Load the Bottomly data with the following code and perform a differential expression analysis using limma and treating strain as the outcome but adjusting for lane as a factor. Then find genes significant at the 5% FDR rate using the Benjamini Hochberg correction and perform the gene set analysis with goseq following the protocol from the first 4 questions. How many of the top 10 overrepresented categories are the same for the adjusted and unadjusted analysis?
# perform a differential expression analysis using limma, adjusting for lane as a factor
mod_adj = model.matrix(~ pdata_bot$strain + as.factor(pdata_bot$lane.number))
fit_limma_adj = lmFit(edata,mod_adj)
ebayes_limma_adj = eBayes(fit_limma_adj)

# find genes significant at 5% FPR rate
limma_table = topTable(ebayes_limma_adj, number=dim(edata)[1], adjust.method ="BH", sort.by='none')
genes = as.integer(limma_table$adj.P.Val < 0.05)
names(genes) = rownames(edata)
not_na = !is.na(genes)
genes = genes[not_na]

pwf = nullp(genes, "mm9", "ensGene")

GO.wall = goseq(pwf, "mm9", "ensGene")
GO.top10_adj = GO.wall[1:10,1]

# top 10 overrepresented categories are the same
intersect(GO.top10, GO.top10_adj)
## [1] "GO:0007129" "GO:0070192" "GO:0045143" "GO:0007127"