Adapt the editDistance function we saw in practical (copied below) to answer questions 1 and 2 below. Your function should take arguments p (pattern), t (text) and should return the edit distance of the match between P and T with the fewest edits.
def editDistance(x, y):
# Create distance matrix
D = []
for i in range(len(x)+1):
# Initialize first row and column of matrix
for i in range(len(x)+1):
D[i][0] = i
for i in range(len(y)+1):
D[0][i] = i
# Fill in the rest of the matrix
for i in range(1, len(x)+1):
for j in range(1, len(y)+1):
distHor = D[i][j-1] + 1
distVer = D[i-1][j] + 1
if x[i-1] == y[j-1]:
distDiag = D[i-1][j-1]
distDiag = D[i-1][j-1] + 1
D[i][j] = min(distHor, distVer, distDiag)
# Edit distance is the value in the bottom right corner of the matrix
return D[-1][-1]
Q1. What is the edit distance of the best match between pattern GCTGATCGATCGTACG and the excerpt of human chromosome 1?
Q2. What is the edit distance of the best match between pattern GATTTACCAGATTGAG and the excerpt of human chromosome 1?
def readGenome(filename):
genome = ''
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# ignore header line with genome information
if not line[0] == '>':
genome += line.rstrip()
return genome
genome_filename = 'chr1.GRCh38.excerpt.fasta'
t = readGenome(genome_filename)
# Question1
print(editDistance(t, p))
# Question2
print(editDistance(t, p))
Find all pairs of reads with an exact suffix/prefix match of length at least 30. Don't overlap a read with itself; if a read has a suffix/prefix match to itself, ignore that match. Picture the overlap graph corresponding to the overlaps just calculated.
Q3. How many edges are in the graph? In other words, how many distinct pairs of reads overlap?
def readFastq(filename):
sequences = []
qualities = []
with open(filename) as fh:
while True:
fh.readline() # skip name line
seq = fh.readline().rstrip() # read base sequence
fh.readline() # skip placeholder line
qual = fh.readline().rstrip() # base quality line
if len(seq) == 0:
return sequences, qualities
def overlap(a, b, min_length=3):
""" Return length of longest suffix of 'a' matching
a prefix of 'b' that is at least 'min_length'
characters long. If no such overlap exists,
return 0. """
start = 0 # start all the way at the left
while True:
start = a.find(b[:min_length], start) # look for b's prefix in a
if start == -1: # no more occurrences to right
return 0
# found occurrence; check for full suffix/prefix match
if b.startswith(a[start:]):
return len(a)-start
start += 1 # move just past previous match
def smart_overlap_map(reads, k):
olaps = {}
result = {}
for read in reads:
for i in range(len(read)-k+1):
if read[i:i+k] not in olaps:
olaps[read[i:i+k]] = [read]
count = 0
for read in reads:
read_suffix = read[-k:]
for possible_read in olaps[read_suffix]:
if possible_read != read:
olen = overlap(read, possible_read, k)
if olen > 0:
count += 1
result[(read, possible_read)] = olen
return result, count
reads_filename = 'ERR266411_1.for_asm.fastq'
reads, _ = readFastq(reads_filename)
pairs_olen, pairs_count = smart_overlap_map(reads, 30)
# Question 3
print("Number of pairs of reads overlap:", pairs_count)
# Question 4
reads_involved = []
for key, value in pairs_olen:
print("Number of reads have a suffix involved in an overlap:", len(set(reads_involved)))