----------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOINFORMATICS COLLOQUIUM College of Science George Mason University ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Making Rare Diseases More Complex with Genomics: Eye on Childhood Cancer James Taylor National Institutes of Health Abstract: The initial assembly of human genomic sequence led to anticipation for rapid advances in understanding the genetic basis of human diseases. Efforts are now focused on whole-genome genotyping and DNA sequencing to characterize relationships between genotype and phenotype in complex or multigenic human diseases like diabetes and cancer. A major challenge for these studies is the ability to distinguish between neutral and functional genetic variants and to understand how functional mutations contribute to disease. Our laboratory's mission is to map and characterize medically important polymorphisms and mutations in rare human diseases using bioinformatic and laboratory based methodologies. In one example, we have examined childhood cancers which are a collection of exceptionally rare diseases where their rarity severely limits suitable numbers of tumor samples available for genomic studies. Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a childhood cancer originating from skeletal muscle that affects approximately 250 children each year in the US. Patient survival is poor in the presence of metastatic disease, and few determinants that regulate metastasis development have been identified. The receptor tyrosine kinase FGFR4 is highly expressed in RMS tissue suggesting a role in tumorigenesis, although its functional importance has not been elucidated. Examination of existing expression databases demonstrated that higher FGFR4 expression in RMS tumors is associated with advanced-stage cancer and poor survival, while FGFR4 knockdown in a human RMS cell line reduced tumor growth and experimental lung metastases when the cells were transplanted into mice. This led us to hypothesize that FGFR4 activation though either overexpression or mutation might contribute to disease progression and metastasis. Targeted gene sequencing identified FGFR4 tyrosine kinase (TK) domain mutations among 7% of primary human RMS tumors. Mutations occurring at two codons in the FGFR4 TK domain were predicted to promote receptor phosphorylation using bioinformatic algorithms and protein structural modeling. Functionally, FGFR4 mutants K535 and E550 increased autophosphorylation, STAT3 signaling, tumor proliferation, and metastatic potential when expressed in a murine RMS cell line. These mutants also transformed NIH 3T3 cells and led to an enhanced metastatic phenotype. Finally, murine RMS cell lines expressing the K535 and E550 FGFR4 mutants were substantially more susceptible to apoptosis in the presence of a pharmacologic FGFR inhibitor than the control cell lines expressing the empty vector or wild-type FGFR4. Together, these data demonstrate that mutationally activated FGFR4 functions as an oncogene in RMS and these are believed to be the first known mutations in a receptor tyrosine kinase in this tumor. These findings support the potential therapeutic targeting of FGFR4 in RMS. Overall, this study also demonstrates the importance of integrating genetic, bioinformatic and archived databases for the study of rare human diseases.