----------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOINFORMATICS COLLOQUIUM School of Computational Sciences George Mason University ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Protein-Protein Docking Jeffrey J. Gray, Ph.D. Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Tuesday, October 5, 2004 4:30 pm Verizon Auditorium, Prince William Campus The protein docking problem, that is, the task of assembling two separate protein components into their biologically relevant complex structure, is important for several reasons. First, it is of extreme relevance to cellular biology, where function is accomplished by proteins interacting with themselves and with other molecular components. Second, the protein docking problem presents a fundamental test of our understanding of the energetics of macromolecular interactions, as the native complex structure is almost certainly at a global free energy minimum. Finally, an important post-genomic goal is the characterization of the structures of protein-protein complexes, and computational tools offer an inexpensive means to carry out large-scale studies. I will discuss our latest methods to predict protein-protein complexes from the coordinates of the unbound monomer components. The method (RosettaDock) employs a low-resolution rigid-body Monte Carlo search followed by simultaneous optimization of backbone displacement and side-chain conformations using Monte Carlo minimization. Up to 10^5 independent simulations are carried out, and the resulting "decoys" are ranked using an energy function dominated by van der Waals interactions, an implicit solvation model, and an orientation-dependent hydrogen bonding potential. Top-ranking decoys are clustered hierarchically to select the final predictions. The algorithm was tested in an international blind challenge, the Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI). Recent notable predictions by our algorithm include one of the two best structures of the laminin-nidogen complex (T08) and a correct structure for the complex of cohesin and dockerin produced using a homology model for the starting structure of dockerin (T11). The docking source code and decoy sets (for the development of scoring functions) are available at graylab.jhu.edu. Finally, I will discuss recent explorations into flexible-backbone docking, applications in therapeutic antibodies, and creative approaches to modeling protein interactions with solid surfaces. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Refreshments are served at 4:00 pm. Find the schedule and directions at http://www.binf.gmu.edu/colloq.html